Wake County Community Health Worker Services
Southeastern Healthcare of NC has a team of trained Community Health Workers ready to assist people in need. Whether you have been impacted by COVID-19 or have other health or social services needs, we can help!
Medical Health
Dental Health
Behavioral Health
Emergency Shelter/Housing
Rental Assistance
Utilities Assistance
Transportation Referrals
COVID-19 Vaccines

Johnston County Community Health Worker Services
Southeastern Healthcare of NC has a team of trained Community Health Workers ready to assist people in need. Whether you have been impacted by COVID-19 or have other health or social services needs, we can help!
Medical Health
Dental Health
Behavioral Health
Emergency Shelter/Housing
Rental Assistance
Utilities Assistance
Transportation Referrals
COVID-19 Vaccines
Alamance County Community Health Worker Services
Southeastern Healthcare of NC has a team of trained Community Health Workers ready to assist people in need. Whether you have been impacted by COVID-19 or have other health or social services needs, we can help!
Medical Health
Dental Health
Behavioral Health
Emergency Shelter/Housing
Rental Assistance
Utilities Assistance
Transportation Referrals
COVID-19 Vaccines

Chatham County Community Health Worker Services
Southeastern Healthcare of NC has a team of trained Community Health Workers ready to connect Chatham County residents in need. Whether you have been impacted by COVID-19 or have other health or social services needs, we can help!
Medical Health
Dental Health
Behavioral Health
Emergency Shelter/Housing
Rental Assistance
Utilities Assistance
Transportation Referrals
COVID-19 Vaccines

CALL GRRO: 252-430-7999
Franklin County
Granville County
Nash County
Warren County
Community Health Worker Services
Green Rural Redevelopment Organization, Inc. (GRRO) is our partner in the Kerr-Tar region. Their team of trained Community Health Workers are ready to connect residents of Franklin, Granville, Nash and Warren Counties who are in need, to the resources to help them. Whether you have been impacted by COVID-19 or have other health or social services needs, GRRO can help!
Medical Health
Dental Health
Behavioral Health
Emergency Shelter/Housing
Rental Assistance
Utilities Assistance
Transportation Referrals
COVID-19 Vaccines